General Information
Large-diameter (24.1 cm) cores drilled with the Blue Ice Drill were collected in 2013 along a transect on the Taylor Glacier by PI Sarah Aciego and transferred to the University of Michigan. PI Aciego moved from the University of Michigan and the cores were transferred to the NSF-ICF in 2018. The cores are between 50-100 cm in length and from ~6 meters deep. The transect is well-dated and the cores range from ~44,000 to 9,000 yBP. Download the Taylor Glacier BID spreadsheet for a list of the cores in the NSF-ICF inventory. For more information, please contact the NSF-ICF Science Management Office by email at nsf.icf.smo
- δ18Oice, particle, cerium (Ce), non sea-salt sulfur (nssS), and strontium (Sr) concentrations of samples measured from the Taylor Glacier. Aarons et al. 2019. Supporting Information.
- Aarons SM, Aciego SM, McConnell JR, Delmonte B, Baccolo G (2019) Dust transport to the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, during the last interglacial, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2261- 2270.
- Aarons SM, Aciego SM, Arendt CA, Blakowski MA, Steigmeyer A, Gabrielli P, Sierra-Hernandez MR, Beaudon E, Delmonte B, Baccolo G, May NW and Pratt KA (2017) Dust composition changes from Taylor Glacier (East Antarctica) during the last glacial-interglacial transition: A multi-proxy approach. Quaternary Science Reviews, 162, 60-71, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.03.011