General Information

The RIDS (Ross ice drainage system) cores are annually dated 10 cm diameter cores drilled in 1995 from the Marie Byrd Land region of West Antarctica. The period of record in the RIDS95A core is 1831-1995. The period of record in the RIDS95B core is 1925-1995. The period of record in the RIDS95C core is 1905-1995 (Kreutz and others, 2000). The RIDS95A archive is not continuous.

  • Dixon D, Mayewski P, Kaspari S, Kreutz K, Hamilton G, Maasch K, Maasch K, Sneed SB, Handley MJ (2005) A 200 year sulfate record from 16 Antarctic ice cores and associations with Southern Ocean sea-ice extent. Annals of Glaciology, 41, 155-166. https://doi.org/10.3189/172756405781813366
  • Frey MM, Bales RC, McConnell JR (2006) Climate sensitivity of the century-scale hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) record preserved in 23 ice cores from West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(D21301). https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JD006816
  • Kaspari S, Mayewski P, Dixon D, Spikes V, Sneed S, Handley M, and Hamilton G (2004) Climate variability in West Antarctica derived from annual accumulation-rate records from ITASE firn/ice cores. Annals of Glaciology, 39, 585-594. https://doi.org/10.3189/172756404781814447
  • Kreutz KJ and Mayewski PA (1999) Spatial variability of Antarctic surface snow glaciochemistry: implications for paleoatmospheric circulations. Antarctic Science, 11(1), 105-118.
  • Kreutz KJ, Mayewski PA, Meeker LD, Twickler MS, Whitlow SI (2000) The effect of spatial and temporal accumulation rate variability in West Antarctica on soluble ion deposition. Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (16): 2517-2520. https://doi.org/10.1029/2000GL011499
  • Price PB and Bay RC (2012) Marine bacteria in deep Arctic and Antarctic ice cores: a proxy for evolution in oceans over 300 million generations. Biogeosciences, 9, 3799–3815. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-9-3799-2012