Past Events

The following is a list of past events of interest to the ice coring and glaciological community. You can also view a listing of upcoming events.

2024 SCAR Open Science Conference

19-23 August 2024
Pucón, Chile
The SCAR Open Science Conference 2024 “Antarctic Science: Crossroads for a New Hope” will be held in Pucón, Chile from 19-23 August 2024. The conference will a feature a comprehensive programme of plenary lectures, mini-symposia, parallel sessions, panel discussions, posters and various opportunities for social activities and excursions in and around beautiful Pucón. Additional information will be available in due course.

EGU 2024

14-19 April 2024
Vienna, Austria

The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

AGU Fall Meeting 2023

11-15 December 2023
San Francisco, CA

For more than 100 years AGU has been opening science—opening pathways to discovery, opening greater awareness to address climate change, opening greater collaborations to lead to solutions and opening the fields and professions of science to a whole new age of justice equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging.

This year, as we convene >25,000 attendees from 100+ countries in San Francisco for AGU23, our theme is: Wide. Open. Science. 2023 might be the official year of Open Science but we also see it as an opportunity to affirm AGU’s overarching values and beliefs. It is message for all of us to carry as we come together to share, inspire, collaborate, engage and most of all rededicate ourselves as a united community grounded in wide open science.

Polar Data Forum V

October 30 - November 3, 2023
Cambridge, UK

The Polar Data Forum (PDF) is a place where polar data holders get together and make more use of data. The Forum has two main components: the Conference, where the border between funding, policy and data is explored through presentations and posters; and Workshop Sessions & Hackathons, where the Polar Data Community opens the dialogue to make progress on their shared objectives.

Polar Data Forum V (PDF V) will be hosted by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) from October 30th through November 3rd, 2023 and will be held both at the Aurora Innovation Centre in Cambridge, UK and online. The Forum follows International Data Week (IDW) to be held in Salzburg Austria October 23-26, 2023.

The meeting is co-organized by various polar partners, including the Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management (SCADM), Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON), the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), and the World Data System, among others.

The focus of PDF V will be on improving large-scale data exchange and interoperability – between organisations and at the international level.

PDF V will consist of a series of workshops and hackathons on October 30th, followed by a 3-day plenary conference to be held 31st October to 2nd November. On 3rd November there will be meetings of the Arctic Data Committee (ADC) and the SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management (SCADM)

If you have a question regarding the Polar Data Forum, please write to

NorthWest Glaciologists Meeting

20-21 October 2023
University of Washington, Seattle, WA USA

We wanted to announce that the NorthWest Glaciologists Meeting for this year is planned for October 20-21 (Friday-Saturday) in Seattle at the University of Washington.

Details will follow in the summer, and we are looking forward to it!

Best wishes,
Michelle Koutnik (on behalf of the organizers)

2023 WAIS Workshop

25–28 September 2023
Cloquet Forestry Center, University of Minnesota, Cloquet, MN USA

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Workshop Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that the 2023 WAIS Workshop will take place September 25-28, 2023, at the University of Minnesota's Cloquet Forestry Center just outside Duluth, MN, USA. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and NASA, the workshop focuses on marine ice-sheet and adjacent earth systems, with particular emphasis on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. As a reminder, recordings from the 2022 WAIS Workshop are available on YouTube. Previous years' talks are also online and past agendas are available at The website will be updated with additional information about WAIS 2023 as it becomes available. To stay up-to-date on all things WAIS Workshop, sign up for the email distribution list here.

15th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice (PCI-2023)

4-8 September 2023
Hokkaido University, Japan

This conference will cover a wide range of topics related to physical, chemical, biological, geological, and environmental aspects of ice. The topics will range from fundamental to applied research, and will include laboratory, field, modeling, and computational work. We expect to have interdisciplinary discussions of ice. Session topics include:

  • Surfaces and interfaces of ice
  • Mechanical, dielectric, and optical properties of ice
  • Ice phases, amorphous ice, and glass transition
  • Ice and life
  • Reactions on/in ice
  • Ice and snow in the cryosphere
  • Ice in space
  • Clathrate hydrates
  • Others

International Symposium on the Edges of Glaciology

2-7 July 2023
Limerick, Ireland

The conference will focus on edges in glaciology, which may include: beds of ice sheets or glaciers, supraglacial processes, crevasses, calving, grain boundaries (of ice and snow crystals), and perhaps philosophical edges.

If you are hoping to attend the symposium please indicate your ‘Expression of Interest’. This will ensure you will receive all information relevant to the symposium.

The First Circular is now available as a PDF.

2nd US Antarctic Science Meeting

20-23 June 2023
Online (Zoom) conference

June 20-23, 2023
On line (Zoom) conference hosted by the US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR)
Meeting details with links for meeting registration and abstract submission at the US-SCAR website. No registration fee.

US-SCAR is supported by funding from the NSF/Office of Polar Programs/Antarctic Sciences

In 2021 the US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR) hosted the first US Antarctic Science Meeting. We are now announcing the call for abstracts and registration for the 2nd US Antarctic Science Meeting (June 20-23, 2023). The US Antarctic Science Meetings are for US scientists who are conducting research in, from or about Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Scientists interested in getting involved in Antarctic research through US programs are also welcome and encouraged to attend. This conference is open to all US scientists and anyone interested in US Antarctic research.

The meeting will provide opportunities for US Antarctic scientists to get together and present their work, and for early career researchers and others new to Antarctic science to learn about SCAR and the various resources available to US scientists for Antarctic-related research. There will be a mix of Lightning Talks, panels and social activities for the US Antarctic community to meet and interact.

The meeting and associated events will be on Zoom. The schedule is set for two hours each day with additional time added for socializing. The panels will have brief presentations by panelists, and ample time will be devoted to questions and discussion. It will be a Zoom meeting, not a webinar.

If you have any questions, please contact Deneb Karentz, US Delegate to SCAR. Hope to “see” you in June!

Sincerely, Deneb and the US-SCAR Team

Deneb Karentz
US Delegate, Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR)
SCAR Vice President for Science

Professor, Department of Biology and Department of Environmental Science
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080


2nd Annual US Ice Core Open Science Meeting

May 8-10, 2023
University of Washington, Seattle, WA

The second annual US Ice Core Open Science Meeting will be held May 8-10, 2023, at the beautiful Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. This meeting is intended for anyone interested in ice core science or related fields, including ice-core analysis, ice or subglacial drilling, glacier geophysics that supports or depends on ice core records, paleoclimate, and contemporary climate and ice sheet change. Details on hotel rooms, travel support, and other aspects of the meeting will be publicized in February 2023. To ensure you do not miss announcements, we recommend joining the Hercules Dome mailing list.